Contact C-ELMR

Do you need help choosing a cordless electric lawn mower?

We can help you. Fill out the form below including the following in the comment section. (You can copy and paste it if you wish)

  1. Lawn size
  2. Does your lawn contain slopes?
  3. Does your lawn contain bumps and patches?
  4. Does your lawn have narrow connections, flower beds, fountains or other added or complicated structures?
  5. Do you have a preferred brand?
  6. Do you have back pains?
  7. Is your storage area for your lawn mower far from your lawn?
  8. Which type of mower would you prefer? Push mower, Self propelled mower, riding mower or robotic mower?
  9. What is your budget?
  10. How soon do you need the lawn mower?

Do you need to find the best online deals or sales on a lawn mower that you are planning to buy?

We can help you with that also. Fill out the form below with the following information in the comment section:

  1. Full name of lawn mower (Include brand and model)
  2. Type of mower – Push, self propelled, riding or robotic
  3. Accessories you need with the mower such as battery, charger, extra blades, pegs, guide wires etc
  4. Last price you saw on the mower
  5. Where you saw that price
  6. When do you need the mower?

Do you need help finding replacement parts or a repair shop for your mower? 

We have you covered. Fill out the form below answering the following questions in the comment section:

For Repairs

  1. Name of mower (Include brand and model)
  2. Address
  3. Describe the problem you are having

For Replacement Parts

  1. Name of mower (Include brand and model)
  2. Parts needed
  3. How soon do you need the replacement parts?
  4. Do you know how to install it?
  5. Do you need to find a repair shop man near you?

Contact Other 

If you need to contact us for any other reason, you can do so by filling out the form below